The Day After X-Mas 

December 26, 2020 

by Tyler Williams 

The Day After X-Mas 

Today feels kind of blue. 

Yesterday we had a fun Zoom chat with the family. I got to see my smiling nieces and nephew on the call. I felt close to the people I love, even though we were many miles apart. 

Today is harder. I wanted to be home more than ever this year, but with COVID we all understand that it is simply just safer to stay home. 

So many other families have it so bad right now.  

- The families who can't afford to own a device that helps them communicate over the internet. 
- The families who have lost jobs due to the pandemic. 
- The families ripped apart by the pandemic.  
- The families ripped apart by the politics. 
- The families who have lost loved ones. 
- The families going through so much more pain, that it's easier to just go about my day instead donating or helping out in some way. 

I guess being sad the day after a "nice" Christmas is not very practical. But, I am a little blue...