The How Versus The Do

January 08, 2021 

by Tyler Williams 

I often get hung up on the process of "how" to do the work, before I actually "do" the work. I love learning better ways to do a task, but some things might not need much further analysis. What is the most efficient way to make a PBJ sandwich? My wife would do a full cleaning of the kitchen first, then put away all the dishes. Her next step would be to find some bread. 

This blog process/analysis creation took me through many months of fiddling around with different apps, platforms and layouts. As you can see, it is pretty basic, but it works for me. 

I once had an idea to just write the damn blog on a napkin and post that writing on Instagram! In a way, that would be pretty cool actually and might be fun for a few days or a month. The idea is mine, and I need to develop it further! I probably need new cameras and lighting to make it all work out. Lol.

It's now time to research the best peanut butter and jelly combinations for a few hours. Then, lunch time!