A New Carrot

January 22, 2021 

by Tyler Williams 

A New Carrot 

I'm trying a new (yet old) approach to my music practice. I'm playing a few things on my bass in the morning before I eat. A cup of coffee and a bass.  

Sounds easy enough, right? 

This means I shouldn't be doing the following "things" first thing: 
- Checking social media 
- Reading the news 
- Eating donuts, unless I've practiced, of course 

I've been throwing this idea around for a while now. But. I need a new carrot this year. I need an incentive (carrot) to get out of bed.  

I have to persuade my musical muscles on a regular, more consistent method. Also, I'm not trying to neglect my health. I just want to have something to look forward to during a nice musical warm up! 

Do you have a carrot reward system? A reason to help you do what you do?  

Now. It's time for a proper breakfast. Maybe something with vegetables?